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All About Divorce

21 September 2022

Family and Childcare, News

How many marriages end in divorce?

Divorce SolicitorsThe latest divorce statistics show that 103,592 couples divorced in 2020. Interestingly, this was a 4% decrease on the previous year.

Who applies for divorce?

Either spouse can start the divorce process, but divorce statistics show that 63% of divorce applications are filed by the wife. The wife has been the primary instigator for divorce in relationships since 1949, although statistics show that this proportion is falling.

Are more people getting divorced nowadays?

divorce lawyersDivorce rates appear to be falling and have been since 2000 – as reflected in the number of divorces between 2019 and 2020. This could be because couples are more likely to live together before they get married or as an alternative to marriage, particularly when they are younger.

Another possible reason for the decline in divorce rates is that many people are getting married when they are older, meaning they may be more mature and have more relationship experience. This may mean couples are more likely to make better choices about whom to marry, and can handle conflict within the marriage better

Interestingly, previous divorce statistics indicated that there was an increase of around 16,000 divorces between 2018 and 2019, but this rise in divorce rates was thought to be down to divorce centres catching up on a backlog of divorces rather than being an accurate reflection of the number of couples who were looking to get divorced.

How long are couples married before they get divorced?

Family SolicitorsThe most recent UK divorce statistics indicate that more couples are divorcing during their first year of marriage compared to 2019. The divorce rates in this instance show that 1274 divorces ended before the two-year mark in 2019, whereas 1530 divorces ended before two years in 2020 – an increase of around 20%.

This particular divorce statistic could have been affected by the unusual and unprecedented circumstances brought on by the offset of the Covid-19 pandemic. The fact that couples were forced to spend increased amounts of time together may have acted as a catalyst for couples who weren’t well suited to one another to find reasons to apply for divorce.

What reasons did people use for divorce in 2020?

The divorce statistics illustrate that all of the reasons used to prove the irretrievable breakdown of the relationship have decreased from the previous year, with the exception of ‘two-years separation with consent’. The use of this reason increased for both husband and wife.

It is also notable that the use of ‘unreasonable behaviour’ among wife’s is more than double than husbands (30,281 compared to 12,913).



Williamsons Solicitors have many years of experience helping people to manage the end of their marriages. We know how confusing, stressful and emotionally taxing divorce can be, as well as the concerns about children and finances that come with ending a relationship.

family mediation solicitorsOur divorce solicitors can advise you on all aspects of getting divorced, helping you to separate from your former partner as quickly and cost-effectively as possible, while minimising the potential for conflict.

Our family law team can help you follow a non-confrontational approach to your divorce wherever possible. We aim to minimise the conflict and acrimony between you and your former spouse. This can be particularly important where you have children who you will need to continue co-parenting together.

Family Court Solicitors HullWe are experts in no-fault divorce, the new divorce law that came into effect from April 2022. This allows couples to end their relationship without having to place any blame on the other spouse. This makes divorce much more cooperative and removes the risk of conflict.

Where court action is the best, or only, option to pursue the financial aspects of your divorce, we have the expertise to put together the strongest possible case for you, ensuring you get a fair settlement.

To discuss your needs with one of our expert divorce solicitors, call us today on 01482 323697.

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